"Sentido" is a suicidology and specialized suicide prevention center that helps clients to deal with different psychological issues that, may or may not be, associated with suicide, such as: depression, anxiety, personality disorders, schizophrenia and various kinds of psychoses, mood disorders, eating disorders, impulse control and disorders, among others.

We work with different evidenced-based prevention and health promotion strategies.

What do we offer?

  • Individual and group therapy
  • Suicidology training and workshops for mental health professionals
  • Workshops for those wishing to help someone with suicidal risk
  • Suicidology research and publication of scientific articles


To prevent suicide and self-harm behaviors, and to promote mental health within the Peruvian population by providing a distinctive and high standard psychological service. To perform research, offer training and education in suicidology, reduce the stigma related to suicide and emphasize realistic prevention strategies.


To be the first Peruvian center specialized in suicide and self-harm prevention, and mental health promotion, that works with evidenced-based strategies derived from psychology, psychiatry, sociology and spirituality.

About Álvaro Valdivia

Company Founder

I believe that emotional affliction has a solution. Saving lives is not the same as preventing death.

Absolute certainty on preventing death by suicide is impossible, nevertheless, saving lives is possible if we are aware of the fact that we can actually help.

I decided to become a clinical psychologist and a cognitive behavior psychotherapist to be able to help adolescents and adults with emotional problems.

Suicide had always been a topic from which I wanted to know more; I wanted to be able to understand it and prevent it, and that is why I studied a Masters program in “Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention”. Currently, not only do I work with clients at my private practice, but I also teach and perform research in the areas of psychology and suicidology.


Photo: Goran James Djordjevic

Telf.: 01 498 2711