Coping with loss is never easy. We can ask ourselves: Why? , a thousand times. We may think that it is unfair, that it shouldn’t have happened, and that he/she must come back. Unfortunately, this is impossible.

Denial is normal, after all, it is acceptance that actually makes us face the absence; the loss, and if death came because of suicide, this tends to be harder to come to terms with. Common questions asked are: What will others think? What will I say about his/her death? Why did he/she do it?

All of these questions are absolutely normal during a grieving process, and it is here where we are able and want to help you.


Fill in the following form in order that we can connect you with others that are going through the same experience as you (in Peru).

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If you are in Peru, you can contact us directly to book an appointment. Treatment can be given individually or in groups.


Phone: 01 498 2711
Telf.: 01 498 2711